During the recent Three Decades of Girl Skateboards show in LA, they had three mixtapes playing for each decade that Girl has around. All three mixtapes were lovingly put together by Daniel Policelli, and to close out their 30th year Girl decided to upload them for us all to enjoy. Expect more soon from the Crailtap family soon, with Chocolate Skateboards now about to celebrate the same anniversary.
Featuring Brian Anderson, Eric Koston, Griffin Gass, Guy Mariano, Jereme Rogers, Jeron Wilson, Jovontae Turner, Manchild, Mike Carroll, Mike Mo, Niels Bennett, Rick Howard, Rick McCrank, Rudy Johnson, Sean Malto, Sean Shelley, Simon Bannerot, Tim Gavin, Tyler Pacheco, Breana Geering, and Tony Ferguson.
Shop all Girl Skateboards at Bored.