Carhartt WIP present O3EPO by Anton Beliaev

Carhartt WIP present O3EPO by Anton Beliaev

Carhartt WIP team riders embark on a 6000km skate trip around Russia Back in 2016 a handful of the Carhartt...

Carhartt WIP team riders embark on a 6000km skate trip around Russia

Back in 2016 a handful of the Carhartt WIP riders embarked on an incredible journey around Russia that covered 6000km, stopped off at over one hundered different skate spots and went through five different time zones during the three week adventure. The guys teamed up with Gosha Konyshev and Tolia Titaev from the Russian brand Absurd Skateboards, then all jumped in to a couple of cars and headed off to explore as many cities and remote spots as they could. Along on the journey for was Igor Fardin, Joseph Biais, Felipe Bartolomé and filmed, edited and directed by Anton Beliaev. Buy Carhartt WIP online at Bored of Southsea.
